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Constitution of the Berry College Republicans

We the Berry College Republicans (hereinafter referenced as the Club) shall make known and promote the principles of the Republican Party among the student body of Berry College, aid in the election of Republican candidates at all levels of government, assist the Georgia Association of College Republicans (GACR) in its aims and directives, participate in worthy projects to better the local community, and develop political skill and leadership abilities amongst the student body to enable them for future service towards the United States and the Republican Party. 


Section I: Club Membership 

  • Members shall be a student of any classification at Berry College. Any student who has attended one meeting shall be considered a member of the Club for the current academic year. Members are entitled to attend club meetings, functions, and activities. 

  • Active Members are those who attend at least 50% of Club meetings or participate in 1 SGA or Volunteer Credit as mandated by Berry College's Student Activities Office on behalf of the Club. 

  • Voting Members are understood to be any Member of the Club. Any election's participation can be restricted to Active Members at the discretion of the BCR Executive Board 

Section II: GACR Membership 

  • Individuals who attend one meeting, maintain a current home address and phone listing with the GACR Chairman and pays required dues as listed in the GACR Constitution shall be deemed a member of the GACR, with all floor and voting privileges on all non-binding issues at the yearly GACR Convention. 

  • Application for GACR membership is made directly by the applicant verbally or in writing at any time during the academic year. Payment of any required dues will serve as certification. 


Section I: Composition and Election 

  • The Executive Board of the Club shall consist of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Faculty Advisor. Any addition to the listed positions are at the discretion of a simple majority of the Executive Board. 

  • All candidates for the Executive Board must be in good academic standing by Berry College and follow all guidelines put forth by the Viking Code. The Executive Board shall be elected by no less than a simple majority of the Club's Voting Members during the month of March prior to the annual GACR Convention. The newly elected positions take office after Commencement of the academic year in which they were elected unless otherwise noted by the current Executive Board. 

  • Terms of the Executive Board last one complete academic year. The list of the incoming Executive Board shall be given to the Student Activities Office at the date that they specify. 

  • Any Special Election shall follow the same procedures as any other election noted in this Constitution 

Section II: Faculty Advisor 

  • The Faculty Advisor shall advise the Executive Board with any decisions that they bring to his or her attention.  

  • A Faculty Advisor shall be any employee of Berry College who is both in good standing with the student body and the Administration of Berry College and must abide by the requirements of the Student Activities Office. 

  • The Faculty Advisor shall have unanimous support of the Club's Executive Board before being put towards a vote of the Club's membership. The Faculty Advisor shall be elected by no less than a simple majority of Voting Members. 

  • Should the office be vacant during an academic year, the Executive Board must follow the protocol listed above and a decision must be made during the same semester of the vacation. 

Section III: Duties of the Executive Board 

  • The Chairman shall preside over all meetings of the Club and the Executive Board. The Chairman must also represent the Club in any official capacity. 

  • The Vice Chairman shall preside over any meetings of the Club and/or the Executive Board in the Chairman's absence. Any further duties are at by assignment of the Chairman. 

  • The Secretary shall record the minutes of any meeting of the Club and coordinate the preparation and distribution of any Club materials or publications. 

  • The Treasurer shall maintain records of the Club's finances and financial standing of the Club in accordance with the Student Government Association, collect or distribute any funds necessary from the Members for the proper operation of the Club, and coordinate fund raising activities for the Club. In the Secretary's absence, the Treasurer will record the minutes of any meeting of the Club. 


Section I: Removal of Executive Board Member 

  • Any Executive Board member who misses 5 consecutive Club meetings without good cause shall automatically vacate his or her position. The Chairman shall notify the individual of their infraction and begin the search for a successor at the next Executive Board meeting. 

  • Any Executive Board member, including the Faculty Advisor, shall be removed from office due to a failure to perform his/her duties by unanimous support by the remaining members of the Executive Board and a two-thirds vote of Voting Members. 

Section II: Resignation of Executive Board Member 

  • Executive Board members may resign at any time by submitting a resignation in writing to the remaining members of the Executive Board. 

Section III: Line of Succession 

  • If the Chairman vacates his/her office, the Vice Chairman shall automatically assume the role of Chairman. 

  • If the Secretary vacates his/her office, the Treasurer shall automatically assume the role of Secretary. 

  • Any other vacancies shall be filled by a Special Election or by appointment of the Executive Board. 


Section I: Meetings 

  • Regular meetings shall be held no less than twice monthly while classes are in session. Dates are at the discretion of the Executive Board 

  • Special meetings can be called by the Chairman. Reasonable notice should be given to all Members prior to the meeting in a reasonable and practicable manner. 

Section II: Conducting Business 

  • Business shall not be conducted at Club meetings if less than 5 members are present. The Executive Board cannot conduct business if more than 1 of the Executive Board members is absent. 

  • Special Committees can be formed by the consent of the Chairman to conduct business more reasonably. These Committees must consist of Active Members. 

  • In general, the Robert's Rule of Order shall be the official parliamentary authority of the organization. 


Section I: General Budgeting 

  • A budget shall be prepared by the Executive Board in accordance with the guidelines set by the Student Government Association and the Student Activities Office for each academic year. The budget shall include a statement of the current cash balance, an estimation of revenue, expenses, and suggestions for fund raising. The budget shall be presented no later than the second regular Club meeting for adoption by a simple majority of the Club. 

Section II: Dues 

  • The Executive Board has the option to gather dues if necessary for each academic year. 

  • Dues shall be determined by the Executive Board in accordance with GACR regulations. Dues shall be paid at the beginning of the Fall semester of the academic year. 


Section I: Protocol 

  • Amendments to this Constitution may be adopted upon an affirmative vote by no less than a two-thirds majority of Voting Members at a regular Club meeting.  

  • Each Amendment or update to the Constitution should be submitted to the GACR Chairperson for the approval of the State Executive Board. 

As Amended September 24, 2018 

Constitution: Text
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